Saturday, August 21, 2010

Artwork in Chicago underpass: Ogden

This is Ogden somewhere between Grand and Lake, wasn't paying attention just walking the dog.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower)

This is Willis Tower, former Sears Tower. When I am driving or riding or walking around Chicago, it is a kind of lighthouse or compass that tell me how lost I am.

Sears Tower es ahora Willis Tower. Es una especie de brújula o faro guía que me ayuda a saber cuán perdido estoy.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Club house at Portage Park on winter

Portage Park is on Irving Park Road between Long and Central, 4100 N. Long Ave

Museum of Contemporary Art

This exhibit was for a while at the entrance of the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Arts at 220 East Chicago Avenue.
El museo de Arte Contemporáneo. Tiene obras atractivas incluso en la fachada, cerrado los lunes.

Wrigley Building 430 North Michigan

This photo was taken before Trump Towers was built. Antes que construyeran Trump Towers


Navy Pier east point - Ballroom

I like the fireworks on summer nights on Navy Pier. Cada miércoles y sábado por la noche hay fuegos artificiales en Navy Pier durante el verano

Chicago Sun Times and East Bank Club

On the North branch of the Chicago River.

Chicago Tribune

Hancock Tower

Millenium Park

Cool building with boat decks in Wells and Polk

Este edificio era de apartamentos rentados y lo convirtieron en 'condominium'. This building was rental and then converted to condominium.

Field Museum

Addler Planetarium

Soldier Field after the UFO landed on it

Old Saint Patrick's Church and FXW School

This photo was taken from the Skyview in Sears Towers. Old Saint Patrick's church is in the corners of Des Plaines and Adams. Frances Xavier Warde School is North of the church.

Immigration Rally on May 1st 2006 - Jackson and Des Plaines

Manifestación de Inmigración el Día Internacional del Trabajador, primero de Mayo del 2006.

City view from east of Millenium Park

There is an ice rink on Randolph, east of Columbus drive, less know than the one in Millenium Park. Hay una pista de hielo en Randolph, al este de Columbus Drive. Tomada el 2 de Marzo del 2006

Rock and Roll McDonald's on a winter day

This is the Rock and Roll McDonald's, between Ontario, Ohio, La Salle and Clark. Trump Tower shows at the end.

A big lady bug

Is it a lady bug or a cow? O es una mariquita muy grande o una vaca disfrazada de mariquita

Chicago Boat Party June 23rd 2009

It was a cool and rainy day, but that did not stop the fun. Es como una ciudad entera de fiesta en los botes.